Sunday, April 13, 2014

Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Author: Freddy R Bubble
The dogs vs. cats debate has raged on for all time and for all time the dog side has won! Dogs are man's best friend and cats don't even like us! So why should we like them?

Unlike cats, dogs are very faithful and give you unconditional love forever. Cats barely seem to know you are around most of the time. If there is any problem a dog will serve and even protect you really well, but what would a cat do? Nothing!

The dogs are very obedient creatures and will sit or lie down or heel on command unlike the cats who will just smirk and walk away. Cats cannot be trained as easily as dogs. In fact it can seem impossible to train a cat.

Whenever the owner talks, a dog will tilt their heads and listen but cats don't really seem to have much interest in human speech. Dogs will come upon hearing their name called while cats either don't recognize their name being called or don't care that it's been called! A dog's obedience makes him even more lovable and that is the biggest reason many people prefer dogs over cats.

Dogs also serve as very good companions and will play Frisbee or other games with you in the afternoon while cats, being selfish and self-centered, would prefer to take their afternoon nap quite lazily. Dogs are not at all mischievous by nature and will bring you your slippers or your evening newspaper unlike cats who might bring you a dead mouse.

Dogs also serve as very good watch dogs. There's a reason they call it a watch dog and not a watch cat! They will bark to wake you up if the house is on fire or if he finds anything suspicious going on like thieves or somebody else breaking in while cats will just quietly sneak out the back door.

Dogs are so obedient that they will let you give them a bath quite easily, while a cat will struggle the entire time.

Dogs also look much better at the end of a leash. A dog can be a great partner on daily walk or your daily run. You can't take a cat with you on a run!

Another great advantage that dogs have over cats is that they are easier to co mingle with each other. Dogs tend to get along with other dogs much easier than cats tend to get along with other cats.

Possibly the best reason that dogs are better than cats? Dogs don't use the bathroom inside of your house! They go outside! No matter how much the litter is supposed to keep the smell under control, it still stinks!

Dogs seem to understand your emotions and will try to comfort you whenever you are sad while the cats don't really seem to notice this sort of thing. A cat is far more interested in his own life.

I'm sure there are many more reasons why dogs are better than cats but these are the ones I've thought of today. Dogs are the best friend a man (or woman) can have. Cats? Not so much.

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