Sunday, April 13, 2014

How To Stop Dog Eating Poop

How To Stop Dog Eating Poop

Author: Chris Smith
Your dog eating poop or dog coprophagia is a habit which doesn't make sense to us dog owner's.
It's a habit which is most prevalent in puppies, and certain breeds are also more susceptible to it than others. Many Shih Tzu owners including myself struggle with this disgusting poop eating habit.
How To Stop Your Dog Eating Poop
There are many theories and opinions as to why a dog would bother to eat poop. Finding the cause of your dogs poop eating habit is the key to determining the correct solution.
When dogs eat poop it is not only embarrassing for us owners, it can also cause diseases and worms to be passed on to your dog.
Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?
There are two general causes for dog coprophagia:
1. Dog behavioral problem.
2. It could mean that your dog has an underlying medical problem.
More Specific Reasons Why Dogs Eat Poop
- It tastes good to your dog! I know it doesn't make sense to me either, but this is the major reason young puppies eat their poop.
- Your puppy may have a vitamin or mineral deficiency and is trying to correct the balance through eating poop.
- Could be the result of anxiety or boredom.
- Some dogs that are over fed eat their own feces because the food hasn't been fully digested. Therefore the feces still smell and probably taste like the dogs dinner.
- Your dog may eat his own poop when trying to clean up his area. This task should be performed by the dog owner.
Solutions To Stop Your Dog Eating Poop
- Feed a well balanced and nutritious meal. Do not over feed.
- Keep your dogs living area clean from feces.
- If possible, try feeding twice a day. Feed the same amount but just in two portions. This works for dogs who eat poop through hunger.
- Add a bit of pineapple or spinach to your dogs meals. When your dog goes to eat his poop, apparently it tastes horrible to him after eating the pineapple or spinach.
- Teach the basic obedience command "off". Proper obedience training eliminates almost all problem behaviors, including coprophagia.
- If your dog eats his poop immediately after eliminating, provide a distraction. As soon as your dog does the business run away from the area and call him over. This should be enough to get his mind off the poop. When he gets to you be sure to praise and reward him.
If you believe an underlying medical condition is causing your dog to eat poop, please visit your VEt for a thorough examination. The above techniques will not help dogs that need medical attention.
Be consistent in your mission to stop your dog from eating poop, you should be able to break the habit before long.
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About the Author
Chris Smith is a dedicated dog owner and creator of Find out how to properly obedience train your dog at home.

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